\n \n {date &&
}\n {children}\n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default NewsSectionBlock\n","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\nexport var section = \"NewsSectionBlock-module--section--TD9zu\";\nexport var date = \"NewsSectionBlock-module--date--P8Mos\";","import React from 'react'\nimport { graphql, useStaticQuery } from 'gatsby'\nimport { GatsbyImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image'\nimport cn from 'classnames'\nimport { useTranslations } from '../../../hooks/use-translations'\nimport * as s from '../module-selection.module.scss'\n\ninterface ModuleSectionItemProps {\n title?: string\n subtitle: string\n lead?: React.ReactNode\n className?: string\n author?: Author\n reverseElements?: boolean\n withoutAnyTitles?: boolean\n listsText?: string[]\n}\n\nconst authors = [\n 'Dmitri D.',\n 'Alexander P.',\n 'Roman S.',\n 'Andrew S.',\n 'Michel K.',\n 'Antony S.',\n 'Alexander K.',\n 'Alexander E.',\n] as const\n\ntype Author = typeof authors[number]\n\nexport const ModuleSectionItem: React.FC = ({\n title,\n subtitle,\n lead,\n className,\n reverseElements,\n author,\n listsText,\n children,\n}) => {\n const sectionRef = React.useRef(null)\n const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false)\n const { t } = useTranslations()\n const images = useStaticQuery(imagesQuery)\n\n const handleFieldView = (intersection: IntersectionObserverEntryInit[]) => {\n const [IntersectionEntry] = intersection\n if (IntersectionEntry.intersectionRatio) {\n setVisible(true)\n }\n }\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n const observer = new IntersectionObserver(handleFieldView, {\n threshold: 0,\n })\n if (sectionRef.current) {\n observer.observe(sectionRef.current)\n }\n\n return () => {\n if (sectionRef.current) {\n observer.unobserve(sectionRef.current)\n }\n }\n }, [])\n\n return (\n \n \n {author && (\n
\n \n\n

\n {t(author)}\n

\n )}\n
\n {title && (\n

\n {title}\n

\n )}\n


\n \n {lead && (\n

\n {lead}\n

\n )}\n {listsText && (\n \n {listsText.map((text, idx) => (\n
  • {text}
  • \n ))}\n \n )}\n
    \n \n {children && (\n \n {children}\n \n )}\n \n )\n}\n\nconst imagesQuery = graphql`\n query {\n author1: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Dmitri_D.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author2: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Alexander_P.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author3: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Roman_S.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author4: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Andrew_S.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author5: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Michel_K.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author6: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Antony_S.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author7: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Alexander_K.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n author8: file(relativePath: { eq: \"author/Alexander_E.png\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 50, placeholder: BLURRED)\n }\n }\n }\n`\n","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\nexport var module_section__item_description_author = \"module-selection-module--module_section__item_description_author--n4p-N\";\nexport var module_section__item_description_author_name = \"module-selection-module--module_section__item_description_author_name--2E8tU\";\nexport var module_section__item_title = \"module-selection-module--module_section__item_title--lFSUY\";\nexport var module_section__item_preview = \"module-selection-module--module_section__item_preview--wzYlZ\";\nexport var module_section__item_strip = \"module-selection-module--module_section__item_strip--V+ljt\";\nexport var active = \"module-selection-module--active--4BQTd\";\nexport var module_section__item = \"module-selection-module--module_section__item--gXJly\";\nexport var module_section__lists = \"module-selection-module--module_section__lists--mV81A\";","import React from 'react'\nimport { StaticImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image'\n\nimport SEO from '../components/seo'\nimport NewsSectionBlock from '../components/NewsSectionBlock'\nimport { ModuleSectionItem } from '../components/module-section'\nimport Link from '../components/Common/Link'\nimport Typography from '../components/Common/Typography'\nimport List from '../components/Common/List'\nimport { useTranslations } from '../hooks/use-translations'\n\nimport * as s from '../pages/news.module.scss'\n\nconst ConstructionManagementSoftware: React.FC = () => {\n const { t } = useTranslations()\n\n return (\n <>\n \n\n \n \n Construction Management Software\n \n
    \n \n
    \n \n Introduction to Construction Management Software\n \n \n Understanding the Construction Industry\n \n \n The construction industry is one of the largest sectors in the world.\n It plays a vital role in developing a country’s economy and\n sociopolitical objectives.\n \n \n The Role of Technology in Construction\n \n \n The technology minimizes high risks associated with the construction\n sector. Among the major technologies that revolutionize the\n construction management system are Digital Twin and Building\n Information Modeling (BIM), and Data Analytics.\n \n \n Signax.io's Commitment to Streamline Construction Processes\n \n \n Our products based on BIM technology easily integrate with the\n construction company software. SIGNAX solutions help owners,\n engineering consultants and contractors with scope management, tender\n packaging and cost control on the construction site.\n \n \n Key Features of Signax.io's Construction Software\n \n
    \n \n
    \n Construction Project Management\n \n It is the process of managing construction projects that includes a\n wider variety of constraints to consider that are specific to the\n design and build. SIGNAX construction manager software makes the\n transition of designing, planning, scheduling phases to the build\n itself smoothly.\n \n Construction Project Planning\n \n In the pre-construction phase, planners are challenged with choosing\n the right sequencing methods, estimating activity durations and\n planning resource requirements. 4D modeling offers greater\n efficiencies for pre-construction management and collaboration.\n \n Resource Allocation and Scheduling\n \n Managing people and equipment between different projects and locations\n is easier with correct construction manager software. SIGNAX help to\n organize multiple processes and sub-processes under it.\n \n Budgeting and Cost Control\n \n Effective construction cost management ensures that the spending\n throughout the project life cycle is on track. Our products contribute\n in the construction cost management helping to keep projects on\n budget.\n \n Construction Task Management\n Task Assignment and Tracking\n \n Our construction task management software allows managers to easily\n assign tasks in electronic form to any stakeholder, add comments and\n track task progress using, for example, a Gantt chart or scrum-board\n to ensure that the projects stay on track.\n \n Workflow Automation\n \n Construction workflows are the sequences of tasks, processes, and\n decisions that transform an idea into a built environment. Automating\n construction workflows facilitate streamline the projects, reduce\n errors, improve collaboration, and save time and money.\n \n Real-time Communication\n \n In the context of construction, real-time collaboration enables\n multiple individuals to interact and work simultaneously as they\n collaborate on a project. SIGNAX is the platform that help build and\n drive a smarter, faster, and easier way to communicate for\n construction companies to leverage the power of real-time\n collaboration.\n \n \n General Contractor Project Management\n \n \n It is about the responsibility and the ability to manage many pieces\n of work, so they come together as needed with aim for the successful\n completion of the project. This means to oversee everything and,\n therefore, have an understanding of all the tasks that deliver the\n project.\n \n Subcontractor Collaboration\n \n The ability of both contractor and subcontractor to develop a shared\n information platform builds efficiency into the project. Using general\n contractor project management software meeting deadlines becomes\n easier because lead times are predictable and risk is identified\n earlier.\n \n Document Management\n \n Construction and project manager day-to-day organize and store\n contracts, blueprints, permits, and other documents necessary to\n operations. A common and shared, cloud-based design and construction\n program software provides access to the most current project documents\n in real time.\n \n Progress Reporting\n \n Electronic document management in addition with SIGNAX Tools allows to\n eliminating version confusion, access difficulties, problems modifying\n in the field, wasted time. This combination enables to hold direct\n progress reporting from the office.\n \n Construction Management System\n \n Supports materials management, progress -, quality - and manpower\n management. Construction project management program and mobile apps,\n such as SIGNAX is the project optimization tool that conveys\n requirements from construction to engineering and procurement.\n \n Centralized Data Repository\n \n A central repository is a singular storage location for all data\n within an organization. Is utilized to create a single source of\n truth, providing significant benefits to visibility, collaboration,\n and consistency within data management\n \n Reporting and Analytics\n \n SIGNAX DASHBOARD help to examine data and report to obtain actionable\n insights that can be used to comprehend and improve business\n performance.\n \n Integration Capabilities\n \n SIGNAX apps work in the unified Autodesk ecosystem. Having seamless\n integration with BIM360 environment data it is easily to generate all\n necessary reports.\n \n \n Benefits of Using Signax.io's Construction Software\n \n
    \n \n
    \n Efficiency and Productivity Gains\n \n Construction management platforms improve efficiency by making it\n easier to assign tasks and track progress throughout a project. This\n ensures that everyone involved knows exactly what and when needs to be\n done by eliminating misunderstandings.\n \n Cost Savings and Budget Compliance\n \n Through software for construction industry and our mobile apps for\n construction it is easy to streamline operations such as project\n planning, resource allocation, risk analysis and more – all while\n driving down costs and increasing overall efficiency.\n \n \n Improved Communication and Collaboration\n \n \n The bedrock of quality collaboration is transparency. Top construction\n software provides improved communication and collaboration tools with\n the ability of both contractor and subcontractor to develop a shared\n information platform.\n \n \n Scalability for Small Businesses in Construction\n \n \n A scalable construction software program can adapt to projects of\n varying sizes and complexities, ensuring that the investment remains\n valuable over the long term. SIGNAX is one of the software solutions\n that can grow in tandem with small businesses.\n \n \n Competitive Advantage in the Industry\n \n \n The scalability of the chosen software for construction industry is\n not the only competitive advantage in the market. Collaboration\n capabilities, user-friendly interface, compatibility, and affordable\n prices are all criteria that should be taken into consideration.\n \n \n Top Construction Software in the Market\n \n Comparative Analysis\n \n Regarding Forbes Advisor among the Best 6 Construction Project\n Management Software of 2023 are: Leap, Fieldwire, Contractor Foreman,\n Buildertrend, Houzz Pro and monday.com.\n \n Why Signax.io Stands Out\n \n Low investment threshold, compatibility and integration with other\n construction management platforms are the advantages. Moreover, the\n scalability and customization possibility are the things that bring\n Signax.io close to the top.\n \n \n Customer Success Stories\n \n \n Testimonials from Construction Companies\n \n \n \n \n Real-world Applications of Signax.io's Software\n \n \n \n
    \n \n 1\n \n https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/best-construction-project-management-software/\n \n \n \n Choosing the Right Construction Management Software\n \n \n Considerations for Small Businesses\n \n \n Heighе costs associated with investment in construction project\n management software for small business, training and changes in\n business process is a barrier for many companies. Acceptable costs of\n our digital control center is a possibility to work with the new\n standard of construction management reporting.\n \n \n Integration and Customization Options\n \n \n SIGNAX works with models from Autodesk Navisworks, which uses DWG,\n IFC, RVT formats. Flexible volume counting settings and checking\n parameters allow setup work with any model size.\n \n Signax.io's Flexible Solutions\n \n Link your office and construction site to ensure daily monitoring of\n the job, performing a remote site inspection from any device,\n providing a visual understanding of the current situation at the\n construction site.\n \n \n Signax.io's Contribution to the Construction Industry\n \n \n Supporting Sustainability and Safety\n \n \n Designed as a tool of BIM that has considerable potential for\n enhancing the efficiency, sustainability, and effectiveness of civil\n engineering in all stages of the construction process. Facilitates\n sustainability in design, safety of the construction and\n decommissioning.\n \n \n Future Trends in Construction Software\n \n \n The integration of operations and facility maintenance planning and\n tracking into BIM is currently in the process of being developed in\n SIGNAX products. One of the fundamental trends is the use of\n parametric engines to make connections between design and reality.\n \n \n Contact Us for Your Construction Software Needs\n \n E-mail\n \n \n {t('info_email')}\n \n \n \n Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)\n \n \n What is construction management software?\n \n \n Construction project management software is a solution for managing\n jobs in residential and commercial construction.\n \n \n How does construction company software differ from construction\n project management software?\n \n \n Construction company software aim to handle the management and control\n of the construction phases of a project. Project management software\n help project managers to deal with the management and control of a\n single project during all phases of development.\n \n \n Can construction management systems accommodate small businesses in\n the construction industry?\n \n \n Construction management systems can help to overcome the challenges\n that small businesses facing in the construction industry.\n \n \n What features should I look for in top construction software?\n \n \n
  • A common platform for managing project data
  • \n
  • \n A centralized dashboard that facilitates the tracking of project\n progress\n
  • \n
  • Estimating and bidding tools
  • \n
  • Accounting software integrations
  • \n
  • Software and mobile devices to keep track of employees time
  • \n
    \n \n What are the key elements of construction management platforms?\n \n \n
  • Document Management
  • \n
  • Request for Information (RfIs)
  • \n
  • Job Costing and Project Finances
  • \n
  • Project Tracking
  • \n
  • Project Scheduling
  • \n
    \n \n )\n}\n\nexport default ConstructionManagementSoftware\n","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\nexport var section = \"news-module--section--g5uoe\";\nexport var maxContent = \"news-module--maxContent--mpYRW\";\nexport var content = \"news-module--content--v60SD\";\nexport var textTitle = \"news-module--textTitle--nitTa\";\nexport var textLists = \"news-module--textLists--IMoga\";\nexport var disc = \"news-module--disc--AqJ0s\";\nexport var auto = \"news-module--auto--u9wuf\";\nexport var decimal = \"news-module--decimal--+OTUr\";\nexport var check_mark = \"news-module--check_mark--P6DHG\";\nexport var imageBlock = \"news-module--imageBlock--TmnyQ\";\nexport var imageText = \"news-module--imageText--DgNcO\";\nexport var imageFullWidth = \"news-module--imageFullWidth--Rg4vs\";\nexport var imageEvent = \"news-module--imageEvent--y9m8O\";\nexport var imageClickable = \"news-module--imageClickable--wN1YK\";\nexport var imageClickable_bottom = \"news-module--imageClickable_bottom--6ol01\";\nexport var brandButtons = \"news-module--brandButtons--Alw1o\";\nexport var text = \"news-module--text--5E1Q6\";\nexport var video = \"news-module--video--6ohKO\";\nexport var videoSize = \"news-module--videoSize--WLsUN\";\nexport var authorWrapper = \"news-module--authorWrapper--pKcye\";\nexport var author = \"news-module--author--F1DUO\";\nexport var special_offer_image = \"news-module--special_offer_image--2F8hV\";\nexport var columnWrapper = \"news-module--columnWrapper--805HQ\";\nexport var boxShadow = \"news-module--boxShadow--zn30v\";\nexport var youtubeVideo = \"news-module--youtubeVideo---NENF\";\nexport var imageWrap = \"news-module--imageWrap--wN+Es\";\nexport var textWrap = \"news-module--textWrap--sagCF\";\nexport var textWrapCentered = \"news-module--textWrapCentered--Gc1WE\";\nexport var margin_top_48 = \"news-module--margin_top_48--icjNV\";\nexport var contentWrap = \"news-module--contentWrap--+JWDB\";\nexport var productLinksWrapper = \"news-module--productLinksWrapper--s8uye\";"],"names":["className","props","cn","children","section","bg_white","bg_light","bg_dark","id","bgColor","s","date","Section","Container","authors","ModuleSectionItem","title","subtitle","lead","reverseElements","author","listsText","sectionRef","React","visible","setVisible","t","useTranslations","images","useStaticQuery","imagesQuery","handleFieldView","intersection","intersectionRatio","observer","IntersectionObserver","threshold","current","observe","unobserve","G","image","indexOf","childImageSharp","gatsbyImageData","alt","ref","map","text","idx","key","description","variant","color","S","src","placeholder","width","size","href","target","rel","typeLink","textLists","decimal","check_mark","imageBlock","imageClickable","authorWrapper","columnWrapper","youtubeVideo","imageWrap","textWrap","textWrapCentered","margin_top_48","contentWrap","productLinksWrapper"],"sourceRoot":""}