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\n \n {date &&
}\n {children}\n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default NewsSectionBlock\n","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\nexport var section = \"NewsSectionBlock-module--section--TD9zu\";\nexport var date = \"NewsSectionBlock-module--date--P8Mos\";","import React from 'react'\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby'\nimport { StaticImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image'\nimport SEO from '../components/seo'\nimport NewsSectionBlock from '../components/NewsSectionBlock'\nimport { useTranslations } from '../hooks/use-translations'\nimport Typography from '../components/Common/Typography'\n\nimport * as s from '../pages/news.module.scss'\n\nconst ErpSoftwareSystemPage: React.FC = () => {\n const { getPath } = useTranslations()\n\n return (\n <>\n \n \n \n All-in-one ERP software for construction in Dubai\n \n \n What is ERP\n \n \n Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the unified management of most\n important business processes on base of software and technology part.\n Now it is usually operates in real time. People often think of ERP as\n a category of business management software — typically, a suite of\n integrated applications. The company uses it to collect, store, manage\n and work with digital data for most of business needs. There are 2\n types of ERP: local based or cloud-based. Cloud-based applications\n became most popular in previous 5-7 years as with Internet access is\n available almost anywhere nowadays.\n \n \n ERP gives a consistent and updated view of core business processes\n using common databases operated by a database management system. The\n main goal of ERP – tracking of resources: cash, raw materials;\n production capacity and the status of orders, purchase orders, and\n payroll.\n \n \n The software that acts inside the system uses data from various\n departments (design, manufacturing, procurement, production, sales,\n accounting, etc.). ERP provides data flow between all business\n functions and manages connections to outside users. The integration\n between varied organizational systems, error-free transactions and\n effective production are made with help of ERP.\n \n
\n \n \n Pic 1. ERP system and its components\n \n
\n \n The following features are usually included in ERP today:\n \n
  1. An integrated system;
  2. \n
  3. Operates online;
  4. \n
  5. A common database that supports all the modules;
  6. \n
  7. A unified interface across modules;
  8. \n
  9. \n IT department is involved in implementation process as digital data\n is used by everybody in company;\n
  10. \n
  11. \n There is a list of options for ERP architecture: on-premis , cloud\n hosted, or SaaS.\n
  12. \n
\n \n ERP software in construction\n \n \n Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in construction designed\n specifically for construction companies. It should manage the core\n business processes of the companies in industry, including project\n management, project analytics, project budgeting, general and\n subcontractor management, resource management, asset management,\n payroll, and more.\n \n \n For many years, the big dream was to find construction business\n software, which will represent the functions of ERP in the best way,\n but most systems do not cover the core of a construction company’s\n business process needs. Moreover, don’t allows to make management\n data-driven. For example, the top-tier ERPs (like Microsoft Dynamics\n for Construction) simply do not offer a viable solution for\n construction companies.\n \n \n We can admit that Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology\n becomes the center of information source in construction projects\n today. It is so, because BIM operates the actual digital prototype of\n real facility at any stage. Each item of BIM model has specific\n parameters (dimensions, material, classification, price, vendor name\n and more). It allows making accurate calculations, bills of materials,\n schedules of works – all the data in construction becomes precise up\n to date. You can find more of «What is BIM»{' '}\n \n here.\n \n \n
\n \n \n Pic 2. BIM lifecycle{' '}\n \n
\n \n ERP in construction must use the power of BIM nowadays! There are some\n examples when the integration between CAD/BIM software and top-tier\n ERP exist. At the same time, it is much more effective to establish\n and implement ERP on base of construction common data environment\n (CDE) and use special functionality that supports BIM or deep\n integration with BIM just «in box».\n \n \n SIGNAX as a core of corporates ERP\n \n \n SIGNAX is a set of digital products that improves project management\n in construction. It helps construction companies and their managers to\n automate business functions. Let’s have a look how SIGNAX cover all\n main ERP functionality:\n \n
  1. \n An integrated system. SIGNAX works on base of Autodesk Docs CDE and\n is ready to connect to all popular CAD/BIM formats including DWG\n (AutoCAD), RVT (Revit) and IFC (universal). It also can link with\n Business Intelligence (BI) systems, Data Bases, Microsoft Excel and\n many other sources;\n
  2. \n
  3. \n Operates in real time. SIGNAX works in browser and it available at\n any device. All the data is up to data and has both directions link\n to BIM model with auto update mode;\n
  4. \n
  5. \n A common database supports all the modules. You don’t need to input\n data twice. It is everywhere thanks to cloud technology. There are\n also pre-made templates of valuable reports right inside SIGNAX.\n Just set smart data cards® and get report with your most needed\n construction data;\n
    \n \n \n Pic 3. Smart data cards® inside SIGNAX\n \n
  6. \n
  7. \n A unified interface across modules. SIGNAX consists of 3 modules:\n Dashboard, Inspection and Tools. They form the unified informational\n area and deeply interact with each other. Make your correct and rich\n construction BIM model in Tools. Generate and analyze 360° panoramic\n photos from site in Inspection. Use digital data for full\n understanding of actual situation and manage the project effectively\n with SIGNAX Dashboard;\n
  8. \n
  9. \n SIGNAX digital data is used by every department in company as it is\n precise and pretends to be the only source of truth. Of course, the\n system should have its administrators and the team responsible for\n data integration. IT or BIM department can play this role and help\n users in business processes settings and support;\n
    \n \n \n Pic 4. Unified interface for users and support\n \n
  10. \n
  11. \n SIGNAX is a SaaS solution and has all advantages of cloud: access\n from every devise, at every time and from everywhere. At the same\n time, you can deploy it on premise or using public cloud. It depends\n on your corporate information security (IS) guidelines.\n
  12. \n
\n \n Signax provides time-tested and customer-proven Enterprise resource\n planning software in Dubai, UAE.\n \n \n Conclusion\n \n \n If the construction company wants to change and use digital data to\n improve its effectiveness, it should use ERP system as the center of\n integrated management for main business processes. Construction\n industry can’t use top-tier ERPs as they are not ready enough to\n support its specific features, ensure noticeable progress and fast\n implementation. Best in class ERP software system from SIGNAX can\n cover all these needs and help customer increase digital\n transformation effect in practice.\n \n
\n \n \n Pic 4. Unified interface for users and support\n \n
\n \n )\n}\n\nexport default ErpSoftwareSystemPage\n","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\nexport var section = \"news-module--section--g5uoe\";\nexport var maxContent = \"news-module--maxContent--mpYRW\";\nexport var content = \"news-module--content--v60SD\";\nexport var textTitle = \"news-module--textTitle--nitTa\";\nexport var textLists = \"news-module--textLists--IMoga\";\nexport var disc = \"news-module--disc--AqJ0s\";\nexport var auto = \"news-module--auto--u9wuf\";\nexport var decimal = \"news-module--decimal--+OTUr\";\nexport var check_mark = \"news-module--check_mark--P6DHG\";\nexport var imageBlock = \"news-module--imageBlock--TmnyQ\";\nexport var imageText = \"news-module--imageText--DgNcO\";\nexport var imageFullWidth = \"news-module--imageFullWidth--Rg4vs\";\nexport var imageEvent = \"news-module--imageEvent--y9m8O\";\nexport var imageClickable = \"news-module--imageClickable--wN1YK\";\nexport var imageClickable_bottom = \"news-module--imageClickable_bottom--6ol01\";\nexport var brandButtons = \"news-module--brandButtons--Alw1o\";\nexport var text = \"news-module--text--5E1Q6\";\nexport var video = \"news-module--video--6ohKO\";\nexport var videoSize = \"news-module--videoSize--WLsUN\";\nexport var authorWrapper = \"news-module--authorWrapper--pKcye\";\nexport var author = \"news-module--author--F1DUO\";\nexport var special_offer_image = \"news-module--special_offer_image--2F8hV\";\nexport var columnWrapper = \"news-module--columnWrapper--805HQ\";\nexport var boxShadow = \"news-module--boxShadow--zn30v\";\nexport var youtubeVideo = \"news-module--youtubeVideo---NENF\";\nexport var imageWrap = \"news-module--imageWrap--wN+Es\";\nexport var textWrap = \"news-module--textWrap--sagCF\";\nexport var textWrapCentered = \"news-module--textWrapCentered--Gc1WE\";\nexport var margin_top_48 = \"news-module--margin_top_48--icjNV\";\nexport var contentWrap = \"news-module--contentWrap--+JWDB\";\nexport var productLinksWrapper = \"news-module--productLinksWrapper--s8uye\";"],"names":["section","bg_white","bg_light","bg_dark","className","id","bgColor","children","cn","s","date","Section","Container","getPath","useTranslations","title","description","variant","color","S","width","src","alt","placeholder","Link","to","textLists","decimal","check_mark","imageBlock","imageClickable","text","authorWrapper","columnWrapper","youtubeVideo","imageWrap","textWrap","textWrapCentered","margin_top_48","contentWrap","productLinksWrapper"],"sourceRoot":""}