What is BIM (Building Information Modeling) in construction?
With a BIM solution, you can allow your construction and design teams to work efficiently. BIM solutions also perform data capture processes to benefit maintenance activities and operations. But what makes BIM so important in the real estate industry?
An Introduction to Building Information Modeling: What is BIM? BIM Meaning

So, what is BIM? Building Information Modeling is a critical and compulsory process all across the globe. But what’s the use of BIM? And what is the exact BIM meaning? To evaluate the concept in a nutshell, here’s a brief.
Building Information Modeling is the foundation of digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, as well as construction (AEC) industry. It is the acronym for Building Information Modeling. It is a highly collaborative method that lets engineers, architects, contractors, real estate developers, manufacturers, and other construction professionals.
The purpose is to design, construct, and plan a building or structure within a single 3D model. This process ensures the building design, planning, and construction are collaborative and efficient.
BIM means a holistic process of building and monitoring information for the built asset. It integrates multi-disciplinary, structured data to produce an asset’s digital representation across its lifecycle. It includes planning, designing, construction, and even operations.
It spans the management and operation of buildings via data that structures or building owners can access. The data lets municipalities, governments, and real estate managers make well-informed decisions depending on information from the model. That’s evident even after the building construction.
That’s everything to know about the BIM meaning in construction. But after you have learned the meaning, here’s evaluating the importance of BIM in the construction industry.
Why Is BIM Important In The Construction Business?

Now, you may ask why BIM is important in the construction business. Read on to know how significant it is in the real estate business.
#1 Improves Workflow Efficacy & Teamwork
So, why is BIM important in construction? Well, design and architecture are iterative approaches that previously were manually intensive. Builders, architects, and structural engineers must view information and implement design templates. Since change is constant, updating these alterations is a prime focus. You can access information in the required format without duplicating it with BIM. Note that BIM offers:
- Embracing more excellent iteration during design phases
- Work more productively and collaboratively
- Provide better inputs around different areas of the project
- Workflows produce fewer errors & need less oversight
#2 Improves Construction Safety with Mitigated Risk
With better safety in construction sites, BIM analyzes and recognizes uncertainties and hazards. Visual risk analysis and safety evolution secure better workflow. Implementing BIM will allow you to better coordinate with contractors. Besides, it also results in the following:
- Mitigated risk premiums
- Lower number of generic transcriptions
- Reduced insurance expenses
- Lesser risk of claims
#3 Estimates Cost of Model-based Construction
The cost estimation model in the beginning stage is effective, and BIM tools can automate the time-consuming task of implementing costs. It allows estimators to concentrate on higher-value factors, like identifying construction assemblies and more. It may control the whole-life expense.
#4 Systematizes Facility Management
Another reason why BIM is important in construction is that it organizes facility management. BIM allows a continuous and accurate digital checklist of managing facilities & renovators for the whole lifecycle. In addition, it also manages and monitors building information.
With the right software solution, contractors are able to modify building handover. They simply need to connect the BIM data generated during the construction and design to build operations.
In short, the application of BIM is endless in the real estate domain. Some of them are:
- Visualization (where 3D renderings offer an insightful idea of the end product)
- Code reviews
- Shop Drawings and Fabrication (that generate shop drawings for various building systems)
- Forensic Analysis (to demonstrate potential leaks, failures, evacuation plans, clashes, and more)
- Facilities management (for renovations, maintenance operations, and space planning)
- Cost estimating (they have the built-in cost estimating feature)
- Construction sequencing to build material fabrication, ordering, &delivery schedules for building components
SIGNAX team provides all kind of services that can help you to implement BIM in your project and dramatically raise its effectiveness.